Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Olive {Maternity}

My cousin, Charmaine, is about to be a mommy!!! YAY!!! We were all definitely surprised when she first told us, but we've been behind her ever since! We love you, Charmaine, and can't wait 'til Baby Olive gets here!

When Charmaine finally got big enough (ha ha!) we ran out to the Marina in Downtown Suisun to take Part One of her maternity session. The sun was out, which was great, but there was definitely a little chill in the air. Didn't matter because she rocked it, of course! 

This next one is my fave!!

And this one shows her goofy side :) I was actually going to title this photo "The Re-adjust". :)

Come back to check out Part Two of her maternity session.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Engagement Contest

Happy New Year!!! Let's begin 2013 with some excitement! And what better than an Engagement Contest!

As mentioned above, all you need to do is post a photo of you and your sweetie on my Facebook Fanpage The deadline to post your photos will be Sunday, January 27 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Voting will begin Monday, January 28 and will end Monday, February 4. So be sure to have your family and friends head over to my page to vote for you! The winner will be announced here on my blog!

And to throw more excitement your way, here's some photos from my first Engagement Contest with Katy and Ray at Baker Beach in San Francisco. Katy's mom nominated them and I'm so glad she did! Check them out...

Spread the word!!