Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 30...Part two

Okay, it's actually day 31. I don't know if I can part with this challenge. :(

If you stopped by yesterday, you would have seen that I miscalculated day 30 and was thinking that it was going to be today. I thought that it came at a perfect time because I was going to attend Mike Colón's workshop...which I did. :)

I don't want to get into too much detail (as I'll save that for another post), but I'm SOOOOO glad that I went! It's fun and awesome getting to learn from a veteran photographer, especially in person, but it's freaking outstanding when that photographer has shot celebrity weddings all around the world and is such a laid back awesome guy. Definitely invested my money in the right place.

Here's a sneak peek of what I got...

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