Thursday, April 7, 2011

Today was a good day...

Thank you Ice Cube for that song =) Today, indeed, was a good day.

We had a safety and wellness day today at work. Good #1 - got to go to work in workout clothes =) Good #2 - Jamba Juice smoothie for breakfast =)

We also had a fireman come in (only one fireman, no hot fireMEN, no fire truck... BOO!) to teach us how to use a fire extinguisher. There was a little competition on who could put out the fire the quickest. Good #3 - I was the last to go and I won =) I put the fire out in 5.4 seconds. Woo hoo!!!

In the afternoon, we had our Wii Tournament, playing tennis. I was a bit afraid because the other times we had a tournament, I didn't come close to winning. Good #4 - I ended up winning the whole thing. =) I'm not sure what I won, or if I won anything at all (other than bragging rights), but if I did we'll count that as Good #5 =)

For those of you who live in Solano County, I'm sure you experienced today's storm. Thunder, or actually THUNDER, lightning, rain, hail. This really was rattling. I was in the office at the time all of this happened. The thunder was literally roaring above our building. Scccaaaaarrryyyyyy!!!

Did anyone happen to see the hail? This hail looked more snowy than icy, if that makes sense. This hail poured and poured. And guess what? I'm officially calling this SNOW!!! Good #6 - SNOW IN FAIRFIELD!!! See the pictures I took on my phone below.

This was just the beginning

At the end of the day (it stopped hailing/raining at this time)

The back of my car =)

See my footprints?

Soooo cool that I actually got to experience snow.. well sort of. =)

Today was a good day =)

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