Sunday, May 8, 2011

To all the mothers...

Today is Mother's Day. I want to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day!! May your children, husband, and all your loved ones shower YOU with love today :)

As much as I love mother's day and agree that this day should be all ours and that we should relax, I think that we should take the time to say thank you to our significant others because without them, we wouldn't have these beautiful children that we pour our love and hearts into. Our children may not listen, act badly, won't clean up their toys, and so on...but without them we wouldn't be a mother, and at the end of the day, their sweet faces as they give you hugs and kisses (and noses) before they go to sleep is soo worth it. So thank you to all the husbands/significant others out there!

Thank you to my two beautiful boys for the box of cookies and Thomas the Train puzzle (that they both picked out). And thank you to my husband for the flowers and gift certificate for a massage. You know me so well :)

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