Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Repost on a New Blog

Hi everyone!
Since I moved over to blogger.com, I wanted to repost my last post from my previous host. (Sounds like Dr. Seuss...) =)

Here is my post regarding my senior shoot with Clara.

Every time I think about my blog, I cringe and think "Shoot... I need to post something." I have photos to post, but what do I say? I read other photographers' blogs and they tell a story about the person/couple and how they met, or something spectacular. I'm not really a good story teller, but hopefully with time and some getting used to, I will be able to write a novel :)

(Oh, and on a side note, I really do have a lot of shoots to post, so they may be out of order. :) )

Now on to the photos. This is Clara. She's a German exchange student of one of my past co-worker's. They came to the shoot all ready to go, even with the rain threathening to come out.

Thank you so much, again, for agreeing to do this and for being a great, beautiful model.

Oh, and another thank you to my great friend, Lateisha (Fusion Photography, Inc.) for doing this with me. We do great work ;)


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