Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm switching gears...literally :)

Hi all,

What lovely weather we're having, right? Ha, ha... yeah right. Thanks to this weather I had to reschedule two shoots. Not fun.

The only thing that this weather has brought is some good online shopping. :) I am so excited because I was finally able to get new gear. What did I get? A Canon 7D :) YAY!!! And yes, that does mean I'm switching sides. I currently have a Nikon D60 and although it isn't the best camera, it has gotten me to where I am today. So, thank you my D60. Thank you for bringing me to where I am today. I will never, never forget you. You may even be there for when I need a back up. :)

The reason I went over to Canon is because it was more my price range. I actually wanted to get the Canon 5D Mark II, however, I couldn't find a reasonable price that my husband wanted to see. After some consideration, I decided to go with the 7D and a good lens. It also works out too because I can save up money and get the 5D Mark III, whenever that will come out. :)

So, until my new camera comes, it'll just be me and my D60. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is a special blog post.... A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to take photos of my cousin's cousin. Yes, my cousin's cousin. We're not related, but in the Filipino world, all Filipinos are related, right? LOL!!!

Anyhow, this is special because today she just gave birth. A beautiful, healthy baby girl. Congratulations Raquel!!! I wish you and your baby a healthy, beautiful and stress free life, with nights that are hopefully filled with sleep =)

Here are some photos from her maternity shoot.

I can't wait to meet her new bundle of joy and to take photos of her. Keep checking back on my blog for those photos.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Boudoir - CherryLove

A couple of weeks ago a friend and I held our very first Boudoir Party. Yes... a Boudoir Party, with music, hors d'oeuvres, and drinks. And by drinks, I mean Mimosas and Patron... to loosed up the nerves =)

Rain clouds threatened our shoot, but that didn't stop us. In fact, the sun broke through some clouds enough to give us light through our hotel room window in Downtown Suisun.

We ended up having 3 gorgeous and fun ladies to photograph. I really have to applaud them because they were so excited but nervous about doing this shoot. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous being photographed in next to nothing? They were nervous, but boy I tell you... in their final photos, they do not look nervous. They actually look like models who've done this before.

So thank you ladies... Thank you for a great day, lots of fun, and some of the most beautiful photos I have taken =) This has been a great joy and I can't wait to do more =)

Here is a video of one of the girls that I photographed that day (click the link below). Isn't she gorgeous? =)
