Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Challenge...ACCEPTED! Day 1.

Wow...I literally just logged on and noticed that my last blog post was in June. JUNE.....really? I know I don't blog much, but that long? My bad...

Well, I guess that it's a good idea that I took on this new challenge. Okay, okay, I know that I've challenged myself in the past and never finished. I'm human! Things get in the way and laziness kicks in (I seriously hate the laziness!) The only way I can put it is at least I'm taking on the challenge, right? Every time I see a challenge that catches my eye, I ALWAYS struggle on if I should take it on or not. So instead of saying no and hating myself for not challenging myself, I say yes! If I fail, I fail.

This challenge that I'm taking on was created by the Ashley Goodwin. I recently started following her (through the internet...) and she's fantastic! She's got a great eye for fashion, design and photography and I absolutely LOVE her videos :)

Anyhow, she posted something on Facebook about a challenge that she's starting today. The challenge is to take a photo (preferably with your DSLR and NOT your phone) and blog about it. I know, I know, very simple. You say that, but have you ever blogged before? This challenge already had me thinking "Can I take this seriously?" "Will I be able to bring my Canon 7D with me everywhere and be able to snap a photo?" "Will I actually upload the photos and post it to my blog?" Or better yet "will I have the words to blog about this photo?" That last question is always a tough one because I never have the right words to say.

Well, even with all these questions floating in my head, I didn't want them to stop me from challenging myself. So with that said, my challenge will start today. Well, the photographing started today, the blogging will be starting tomorrow because I blog about it the night before. Does that make sense? Ha ha ha... I'm sure some of you will understand what I'm saying.

The photo I chose to share today, well, I don't know if this is cheating, but I'm choosing to share two photos. My sons (twin boys, age 5) started their second round of swimming lessons. During the first set of classes I always took a photo of them. Every day for two weeks. It was only right that I continue this. Yesterday I snapped photos on my iPhone. Today, I brought my Canon.

This first photo I liked because it was just shadows.

The shadow on the left is me and the one on the right is Aiden. We were sitting on the ground waiting for the previous class to end. Even though the water on the ground is interfering with the shadows, I still like it. It's not the usual 'people looking in the camera and smiling' type of photo.

This next photo I LOVE!

This is Aiden jumping in the pool (Troy is behind him in the green shorts). I love this because he looks like a leap frog, fully extended before he leaps into the pool. :)

I love, love, LOVE these boys and I'm sure you'll continue to see them throughout this challenge. But I promise they all won't be about them. :)

Until tomorrow, have a great day :) And don't forget to come back to see what I capture everyday!


  1. WOOHOO! Happy to see that you are in with the challenge! Cant wait to see what turns up with everyone! :)

    And thanks for the sweet words about my blog and videos! I need to do more of those..... ;)

    AND PS: the shadows! I LOVE SHADOWS! :)

  2. Aww, thanks Ashley! So far so good. I've scheduled my second blog for tomorrow. Can't wait to see what everyone else does too!
