Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Review Part 1- December 2

Yes, that's right... December 2, a Thursday. I work Mondays through Thursdays at my regular job, which gives me Fridays through Sundays for the weekend. Don't you just love it? You wish you were me, huh? =)

Thursday night, my husband and I had a "date night" (okay, okay... it wasn't really a date night, but it was without the kids). We got tickets to watch THEE Adam Carolla at the Crest Theater in Sacramento. We've never been to a comedy show, so it was something new. We, or shall I say my husband, is an avid Adam Carolla fan. We used to listen to him on the radio on our way to work from Brentwood to Fairfield. I gotta say, I got hooked. I even got upset when I couldn't get radio reception in the building that we worked at. =)

Since then, he's moved on to having his own podcast show ( I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm currently working on getting it on my phone.

Anyhow, back to that night. It was fun, nice sellout crowd... it was great! Love his "What Can't Adam Complain About" segments.

Afterwards, we waited in line to try to get an autograph and/or picture. This was something that I have always wished for growing up... getting a celebrity's autograph. I have been to my share of events that involved singers, athletes, some actors, and never really got an autograph. So this time, waiting in line, I wasn't putting all my efforts into it because I figured we wouldn't get to see him or that they would end the signing. Well guess what? We got to meet him =) and got to get his autograph =) and got to take photos of him. Ha ha ha... I shouldn't really say "take photos of him". I only had my camera phone on me and it doesn't really take a quick photo when I want it to. Therefore, I resorted to taking a video when I knew my camera phone wouldn't do the job. Either way it worked out.

We had our names on sticky notes so he knew how to spell our names. Funny thing is, he didn't sign my husband's name. Great thing is, I have video of him saying "Veronica...that's a solid name." YEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Adam Carolla said my name is solid. Yahoooo!!! =) Then my husband shook his hand, as did I. And let me tell you, I didn't give a weak, wimpy handshake. I gave a proper, good handshake. So hopefully, he'll remember that Veronica, with the solid name, gave a good handshake. Ha, ha... That was pretty much it.

(Yes, that's not me. Some random lady that was still trying to get her photo in. This was the last photo I took before I took the video.)

Good night, and mahalo! (Adam's words)  =)

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