Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Christmas Challenge

Tonight I'll be starting my 25 days of Christmas Goodness blog posts. Yep, you read that right. Twenty. Five. Days. But it's all Christmas related...and don't we all LOVE Christmas?

Up first for the 25 days will be gifts for photographers. This is a great start because it will give you 24 days to shop for any of these items for the photographer in your life (*hint, hint Babe) :)

I'll start with the least expensive ones because face it, the expensive ones deserve to be on your list, even if you know you won't be getting it. You never know may have been really good this year. :)

1.       Referrals - FREE (that's the greatest gift of all) :)
2.       Camera Necklace
3.       Starbucks Gift Card (because we all need caffeine for all the late night editing)
4.       Canon or Nikon Lens Mug @
5.       Boudoir Divas Gift Certificate (starting at $10) @
6.       MCP Actions Gift Certificate (starting at $25) @
7.       Scott Kelby “The Digital Photography Book” Series (There should be 3 volumes. Great for those starting out.) @ Barnes and Noble
8.       Scott Bourne Book “Going Pro” @ Barnes and Noble
9.       Bryan Peterson “Understanding Exposure” Book @ Barnes and Noble
10.   Animoto Gift Certificate @
11.   Digital Frame (to show off all the photos they’ve taken)
12.   Mod is Modern Camera Strap @
13.   External Hard Drive (because we always need to backup!!!)
14.   Me Ra Koh DVDs @
15.   Mike Colon DVDs @
16.   Photoshop Elements 10 (Photoshop CS5 would work too, but Elements is much cheaper)
17.   Kelly Moore Camera Bag @
18.   Shootsac Camera Bag @
19.   Photoshop Lightroom 3
20.   iPad2 (hey…I had to J)

Another great gift to give a photographer is your love and support :)

Have fun shopping! Come back and tell me what you bought.. :)

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