Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 10...Time to hit the books

I'm multi-tasking right now...watching The Young and the Restless on one side and typing this blog post on the other side. :) Sorry...I haven't watched Y&R in SOOOOO long. I'm missing out on all the stories!

Anyhow. My photo for today is a heartfelt one.

Part of my tiny library. Honestly, I love reading. But lots of things get in the way. I know, that's a terrible excuse. Luckily, the books in this photo have been read. All except The Lucky One. I bought this book a week before the movie came out and I still haven't finished it. I bought the DVD last week and I still haven't opened it. I don't know which to do first, read the book or watch the movie. I think it'll be the latter, only because Zac Efron is in it...without a shirt. :) Oh YEAH!!!

My favorite book out of this bunch is The Wedding. No, not because I L.O.V.E. weddings and I photograph them for a living, but because the book is part two of The Notebook. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE The Notebook also. I cried while reading it. But The Wedding....that one...ugh! That one just tugs at the strings of my heart. Actually, I might even read that book again, soon!


  1. whoa...I didn't know they had part 2 of The Notebook....whaaaaaat? (runs to store)

    1. Yeah. It's the follow-up to The Notebook. It deals with one of their daughters and her husband. I read this back in 2006ish. I think I'll definitely read it again. :)
