Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 9...Dear Mother Nature, are you okay?

Since this Thirty Day Blog Challenge started, I've been carrying my camera around with me everywhere (well, with the exception of that one day).

Today when I got off of work I looked up at the sky and saw some beautiful clouds. I wanted to snap a photo because the sun was shining through the clouds. Like you could literally see the sun rays against the clouds. But I couldn't take the photo because I was driving.

Once I got home I checked out the sky from our backyard. I didn't see the sun rays, but I still liked what I saw, so I quickly grabbed my camera and took this.

I seriously was all set on posting just this one photo because that was the "rules" to this "no rules" challenge. But then this happened...

Thank you, Mother Nature for giving me something beautiful to capture and for everyone to enjoy :)

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