Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 12...They're getting bigger

I always have to watch what I say when the boys are around. Not because of bad words, but because they will always remember what was said and never let it go. For instance, when I say "we're going to Grandma's house on Friday" they'll always ask:
          "Mommy, are we going to Grandma's house yet?" 
          "Mommy, is it Friday?" 
          "Mommy, what day is it?" 
          "Mommy, when's Friday?" 

See what I mean? And that's times TWO!!

So when my husband said (two days ago) "you can wash the car with Mommy", you can bet the only thing they asked was:

          "Can we wash the car yet?" 
          "When can we wash the car?"

This morning, they were finally able to wash the car...but with Daddy. LOL! :)

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