Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 6...Happy Birthday

Today's my nephew's birthday. I wanted to do something nice and different for him. Today...I tried something from Pinterest. :)

It didn't quite look like the photo that was pinned, but it certainly was a good try. And all the kids LOVED it! They were sooooo excited when we sang Happy Birthday and cut it open. I wonder if it'll have the same magic if it were made with all vegetables. Hmmm....

I also did something else I've been wanting to try for a while now, a homemade DIY photo booth. I literally didn't plan to do this today. It was just one of those moments where I was feeling like I wanted to try it and what better day to do it than his birthday.

So since it was literally last minute, there wasn't much decoration or props to use. But I must say, my first try seemed pretty successful! The kids had fun with this too!

That's the birthday boy being silly of course.

Happy birthday Melo!!! I'll love you always :)

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